Step-by-step oil painting guide for Gardenia
From concept to finished painting, in this oil painting demo, Michael Lynn Adams explains why and how he captures its soft, luminous texture and intoxicating aroma by placing it on hundred-year-old art books.
VIEW TUTORIALStep-by-step oil painting guide for Meyer Lemons
We picked the lemons, and placed them on a wooden tray bathed in the warm glow of our kitchen window. We intended to craft margaritas, this spontaneous moment ignited my creative spirit, leading me to explore the world of art. [...]
VIEW TUTORIALComposing Art Using Harmonic Symmetry
I often use a harmonic symmetry armature to check and refine my compositions and as a guide for drawing my composition onto a canvas. Here, I explain with text and video, what it is; and why and how I use [...]
VIEW TUTORIALColor Chart Exercise to Master Your Palette Fast
Michael Lynn Adams shares how Richard Schmid's color chart exercise saved his art career.
VIEW TUTORIALZorn Limited Palette
Andres Leonard Zorn (1860-1920) is known for using a limited palette. It is believed that Zorn reduced his palette to as few as three rather earthy colors - Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Medium, Ivory Black plus White. There seems to [...]
VIEW TUTORIALPlums: Step-by-Step Painting Tutorial
I painted Plums after harvesting them at a friend's farm. This tutorial takes you step-by-step through my process of painting, Plums.
VIEW TUTORIALStep-by-step oil painting of a Peony
From concept to finished painting, in this oil painting demo, Michael Lynn Adams explains why and how he captures a peony's soft, luminous texture by placing it on hundred-year-old art books.
VIEW TUTORIALStep-by-Step oil painting of White Rose
Step-by-step oil painting tutorial. I walk you through my process of painting White Roses.
VIEW TUTORIALWhite Mums – Part 2
The mums are coming along just fine. After the initial block in and color lift I contoured the vase a bit and worked on the flower pedals. And bottom row the blossoms have become quite yellow. That is all part [...]
VIEW TUTORIALWhite Mums – Part 1
White Mums features a blue and white vase with white chrysanthemums (of course). Unlike most of the flowers I use, these were not from our garden but store bought from a charming little flower store inside a local super [...]
VIEW TUTORIALCrystal Gazing and a Limited Palette
Recently old photographs of my family have fascinated and inspired me to reinterpret them in paint. Its a special way to connect to some really wonderful people. Here, for example, is my aunt Lolo, and my father, Richard in 1927. [...]