Fresh Bread Provence | 12×16 inches | Oil on Canvas
Fresh bread glistening and warm, the centerpiece of a perfect breakfast in Saint Remy de Provence. Savoring a gorgeous June morning with these treats, large cups of cafe au lait, and hours of conversation is a wonderful time to remember.
0:10 – Pencil drawing on primed canvas. I make it
0:14 – Tone the with a mixture of yellow ochre and viridian thinned with
0:20 – Blocking in the dark areas using primarily raw umber
0:30 – Blocking in the middle tones leaving the highlight areas white. The middle tones will remain a little darker than the final. This gives me room to play with the values as I refine the painting.
0:36 – Refining through blending middle tones, deepening the shadows, adding details, and laying some highlights. Note that the highlights at this stage are not pure white. I only use pure – or close to pure – white as my final strokes.
0:40 – Final refinement of details, edges,
M Graham Walnut Oil Paints
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red
Cadmium Yellow Deep
Cadmium Orange
Yellow Ochre
Transparent Red Oxide
Ultramarine Blue
Titanium White (quick drying)
Ivory Black
Fresh Bread Provence 12×16 inches Oil on Canvas