Video Demos and Tutorials

Leather Box
Short Video Demo

This leather box originally belonged to my grandfather, Lewis G. Adams. He has been my [...]

Meyer Lemons
Annotated Video Demo

Meyer lemons are wonderful. They have a magic balance of tart and sweet. Perfect for [...]


Fresh Bread Provence
Annotated Video Demo

Fresh bread glistening and warm, the centerpiece of an perfect breakfast in Saint Remy de [...]

Santa Rita Hills
Annotated Video Demo

This is the view from the Lafond Winery's picnic area in Santa Barbara wine country's [...]

Peeled Lemon
Short Video Demo

The theme of this little painting, Peeled Lemons, is a favorite of mine - peeled [...]

Sunshine Bowl Short Video Demo

The copper bowl used in Sunshine Bowl is usually on our mantle. We filled it [...]